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Version: v2.7.x LTS

Sharing team configuration files

Sharing team configuration files

Team leaders can share team configuration files using several methods:

  • Shared network drive
  • Project repository (for example, GitHub)
  • Web server

The following topics describe how to share the team configuration files.

Network drive

  1. Store the configuration files on a shared network drive.

  2. Issue the following command:

    zowe config import <DriveLetter>:\<FolderPath>\zowe.config.json
    • <DriveLetter>

      The drive letter of the shared network drive

    • <FolderPath>

      The directory path on the drive

    Note: You can specify any path that file management applications, such as Windows Explorer and Finder, can access. For example, a UNC network path (\\<HostName>\SharedZoweConfig\zowe.config.json) or local file path (C:\Users\<UserName>\Downloads\zowe.config.json).

Project repository and web server

Team leaders can import configuration files from a web URL that is in raw json format. The following steps describe how to import the configuration file from a GitHub repository and a web server.

  1. Store the configuration files in a project repository or on a web server.

  2. Issue the following command:

    • Project (GitHub) repository

      zowe config import https://<user>:<password>@<githubUrl>/raw/<repoName>/<branch>/<folderPath>/zowe.config.json
      • <user>

        Specifies the user ID

      • <password>

        Specifies the password for the user ID

      • <githubUrl>

        Specifies the URL to the GitHub repository

      • <repoName>

        Specifies the name of the repository

      • <branch>

        Specifies the name of the branch that contains the configuration file

      • <folderPath>

        Specifies the path to the configuration file

    • Web server

      zowe config import https://<user>:<password>@<HostName>/<folderPath>/zowe.config.json
      • <user>

        Specifies the user ID

      • <password>

        Specifies the password for the user ID

      • <hostname>

        Specifies the host name of the system

      • <folderPath>

      Specifies the path to the team configuration file

      Note: You can host team configuration files on private and public web servers. The user name and password are required for only private URLs. However, to maintain the highest level of security, you should not store team configuration files on public URLs.

Tip: To import the schema automatically from shared drives and from web servers, store the schema in the same directory as the zowe.config.json file. In the configuration file, reference the schema as a relative path at the top of the configuration file.


"$schema": "./zowe.schema.json",